Overview Of TekMatix Features

When we say that Tekmatix has EVERY feature that you could possibly need to run your entire business, we really do mean it..

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This TekMatix Features page will give you an overview of all of the mind-blowing, life-changing treasure chest of features that you get in your business armoury when you join the Tekmatix family.

This all-in-one business platform will change the way that you run your business, save you a fortune and put your growth, operations and profits on autopilot – all with 24 hour support.

Got questions? support@tekmatix.com

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Key Features Of TekMatix

Advanced CRM & Unified Inbox

The TekMatix CRM (Customer Record Management System) helps you manage your contacts, leads, and customers in one place. All of your communication from every channel feeds into your TekMatix account keeping all of your communication in one place and recorded in each client record.

*Replaces: Hubspot, Zoho, Salesforce, Agile

With unlimited contacts, smart lists, and email segments, you can easily track and nurture your relationships with leads and customers – and track their stage in your customer journey from your CRM dashboard

Tekmatix offers the leading CRM functionality and Unified Inbox system, to help you better manage your client interactions, communication and everyday operations. Here’s a summary of the amazing CRM and unified inbox features you get with Tekmatix:

Unlimited Contacts:

Tekmatix does not charge extra as your contact list grows, offering unlimited contacts without additional costs.

Unlimited Contact Lists (Smart Lists):

These lists automatically segment people based on customizable, pre-set filters, allowing for efficient organization and targeting.

Unified Inbox:

All communications from every location are centralized in one conversation thread within the client record, regardless of whether they contacted you by email, SMS, social media, or Google.

Detailed Client Records:

Keep detailed notes, records, and task checklists on each client record, ensuring you stay organized and never miss important details.

Comprehensive Contact Overview:

View all contact actions, activities, purchases, appointments, tags, workflows, pipeline stages, customer scores, custom information fields, documents, files uploaded, and survey & form responses directly from the contacts’ client record.

2-Way Email Sync:

Connects to your email services (like Google and Outlook) and automatically integrates new contacts, creating and auto-updating a customer record for each, building their profile and communication record continuously.

Centralized Communication History:

All communication with every contact is stored in a single communication thread, regardless of the communication channel used, ensuring no loss of records or data, regardless of which staff member was communicating with the contact.

Omni-Channel Communication:

Communicate with contacts using any channel (Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, SMS and email), all from the conversation thread inside your Tekmatix account – no more switching between apps.

Automatic Database Growth:

Client records are automatically created or updated with communication from various channels like Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Google My Business, SMS, and email.

Unlimited Staff and Admin Users:

Offer controlled access and permissions for effective and safe business operations and management.

Mobile App for Staff and Administrators:

Facilitates easy day-to-day business management and customer communication on-the-go.

Advanced Automations:

Create automated workflows based on contact actions, inactions, purchases, and more, for targeted and efficient client engagement and sales.

Advanced Reporting:

In-depth insights on customer source, number and value of leads, activity, lead scoring and conversion rates which auto-updates on your Tekmatix dashboard and reports providing valuable data for business decision-making.

Social Media Management

Tekmatix makes social media management, strategy and success easy. Pre-schedule and autopost across multiple channels in advance and watch your business, influence and impact grow on autopilot.

*Replaces: Hootsuite, Metricool, Buffer

Social Media Planner:

Features a full calendar view for comprehensive planning.

Auto-Post Across Platforms:

Schedule and automatically post content across various social media platforms, pages, and groups.

Bulk Upload Content:

Easily upload multiple posts to the scheduler via CSV.

AI Social Content Creator:

Utilize the built-in AI tool within the scheduler for content generation.

Team Collaboration:

Allows team members to create draft posts for later approval, fostering a collaborative environment.

RSS and Repeating Posts:

Create posts based on RSS feeds and set up repeating posts for consistent engagement.

Pre-Written First Comments:

Schedule the ‘first comment’ on posts to enhance engagement and interaction right from the start.

Calendar, Appointment & Event Bookings

Tekmatix brings to business owners a comprehensive and versatile calendar, appointment, and event booking system, designed to seamlessly integrate into their existing workflow.

*Replaces: Calendly, Acuity

2-Way Calendar Sync:

Easily integrates and syncs with existing calendars such as Google, Outlook, and iCloud, ensuring seamless personal and team management.

Unlimited Booking Calendars:

Create calendars for unlimited appointment types and unlimited team members, accommodating diverse scheduling needs and no extra chnarges as your offers grow.

Free and Paid Appointments:

Offers the flexibility to set up both free and paid booking options.

Diverse Booking Options:

Settings available for a wide range of booking types including in-person and online events, one-on-one or groups, coaching, classes, group training, room and equipment hire, and much more.

Repeating and Recurring Appointments:

Easily set up repeating classes, events, services, or appointments.

Mobile App Accessibility:

View and manage your own and your team’s appointments from the Tekmatix admin mobile app.

Automated Booking Management:

Automate confirmations, reminders, follow-ups, re-bookings, and post-event review requests to enhance client engagement and streamline operations.

Easy Management & Reporting:

See all of your company bookings at a glance from your dashboard, as well as reporting on shows, no-shows and re-schedules.

Email Marketing

Tekmatix is a comprehensive and user-friendly email marketing system, designed to meet the needs of modern businesses who need smart marketing, customised messaging and profitable campaigns. Here’s a summary of your key email marketing features:

*Replaces: ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, Drip, ConvertKit

Free Monthly Email Bonus:

Get 5,000 emails for free in your first month.

Advanced Campaign Management:

Offers advanced features for email marketing including automations, unlimited segmentation, A/B testing, drip sending, recurring emails, and more.

Customised Campaigns with Advanced Segmentation:

Enables the sending of highly customised campaigns based on detailed segmentation and advanced personalisation.

RSS-Based Emails:

Automatically generate email newsletters for clients, filling in the most recent updates or content pulled in from your blog or YouTube channel automatically without you lifting a finger

Easy-to-Use Drag and Drop Email Builder:

Simplifies the creation of emails, allowing for quick and efficient design with advanced elements for maximum engagement and action-taking.

Branded Email Templates:

Create and use email templates that align with your brand identity.

Email Sending from Own Domain:

Send emails from your own domain using the Tekmatix dedicated AWS server. Tekmatix sets up your DKIM, DMARC, and SMTP settings for you at onboarding to ensure high inbox deliverability rates – a service not provided by other email service providers.

Maintained Server Reputation:

We don’t let spammers and shared servers impact your deliverability. Our server is monitored 24/7, with support provided for accounts hitting a 3% bounce rate. This ensures a safe deliverability reputation and maintains high standards for all of our users.

AI Assistance

Tekmatix stays on top of tech, so that your life is easier.  We have a number of AI features inside Tekmatix that can automate everything from your incoming enquiry management, to content creation and even total task management.

AI Assistant Bot:

You get an inbuilt AI Assistant Bot that Responds to all incoming inquiries automatically and even books appointments for you on your behalf.

Your AI Bot is instantly trained on your business by scanning your website, blog or other URL, enabling it to become an expert on your specific topic, style, and content.

AI Content Generator:

Elevate your content creation and sales with our inbuilt ai content generation features in the social media scheduler, blog creator, email subject lines and page builders.

AI Actions in Workflows:

Put your business completely on autopilot by creating highly automations using your own ChatGPT OpenAI, webhooks, and APIs inside our workflows builder.

AI Sales Calling Team:

Coming soon

Have your own AI Sales Team who can call your leads and customers and have real life conversations with them (even in your own voice), to conduct sales calls, book in for events, get testimonials and much more.  Up to 10,000 calls per HOUR, and no holidays oe sick days needed! (NOTE: this will be an add-on feature)

Courses, e-Learning, Memberships & Digital Products

TekMatix makes it easy to create and sell online courses. With unlimited products and students and all of the e-learning features you need to create a professional and profitable learning experience.

You also get your own customisable mobile app so that your students can access your courses on the go.

*Replaces: Kajabi, Thinkific, Podia, Teachable, LearnWorlds, Zenler and all other LMS platforms. Absolutely none of them match Tekmatix features.

Unlimited courses

No extra charges for being an epic creator!

Unlimited memberships and subscriptions

Tekmatix is perfect for course creators with large and small memberships

Unlimited bundles

Unlimited students

Charge in unlimited pricing options per course (one-off payments, subscriptions, payment plans, bulk enrolment pricing)

Charge in multiple currencies

Unlimited video hosting

Tekmatix hosts all of your videos and training content.

Student mobile app in YOUR branding

Your clients can download a mobile app that is your logo and branding, and watch/download your content from their mobiles.

Course portal in your domain

You get a portal that is in your branding which shows your students which courses/products they have purchased and which ones they can buy. They can also access your communities and their affiliate dashboard from their portal.

Create coupons, free trials and discounted trial periods for courses

Assignments, quizzes and assessments with ability to upload homework for marking and feedback

Communities, Groups & Member Portal

Tekmatix allows you to create unlimited free and paid communities, groups and social learning portals for your business.

Create unlimited communities and groups

Make communities paid or free to join

Member profiles for networking 

Fully customisable in your own branding, domains and presentation

Connect communities to courses, training and products

Member portal connects to affiliate profiles

*Replaces: Circle, MightyNetworks

Physical Products & eCommmerce

Tekmatix isn’t just for online businesses. Run your physical goods and eCommerce business through Tekmatix too!

Create and sell unlimited digital & physical products

Sell physical goods (shipping functionality on order forms)

Replace Shopify and other eCommerce platforms with Tekmatix which is a fully functioning eCommerce platform.

*Replaces: WooCommerce, Shopify

Services – In-person, bricks-and-mortar, community and professional services

Tekmatix is perfect for bricks-and-mortar business, local business and community businesses as well as digital and professional service providers too!

Promote, sell and manage in-person or digital services

Perfect for local businesses operating in the community, bricks-and-mortar businesses professional services and mobile businesses providing services too.

Professional Services

Promote, sell and manage unlimited forms of professional and done-for-you services in any industry in-person, in community or online.

Also suitable for franchises and frachisors


Automated and efficient onboarding and education sections

Manage Projects

Project management pipelines, boards and automations

Pipelines & Customer Journey

Pipelines for service stage management and tracking

Automate Service Delivery & Fulfilment

Connect services stages to automated workflows, pre-set tasks and instructions for staff, as well as check-ins and follows ups to the client


Custom integrations available for industry compliance (eg ASQA, HIPPA etc) *This is an extra service add on.

Quick Payments

Easy to request quick payments and update client notes on the go, at expos, at client premises or in your workplace.

Websites, Pages, Blogs and Funnels

Every business needs an online presence. Tekmatix makes it easy and affordable to have a high-converting web content, opt-in pages, funnel and sales pages to maximise your discoverability, leads and income.

Create your own websites and funnels from scratch or use our professionally designed templates in all industry sectors

Use our free WordPress plugin if you want to keep your existing website, but turn on advanced lead tracking

Advanced tracking inside the Tekmatix CRM, detailing everything your contacts do on your site, triggering internal automations

Unlimited domains

Unlimited websites

Unlimited funnels

Unlimited sales and opt-in pages

Unlimited blogs

Fully branded in your branding Easy drag and drop page builders

Advanced customisation with coding Free chat widget for your website (that is responded to by your ai bot and ai appointment setter)

*Replaces: Clickfunnels, WordPress, Wix, Square, LeadPages, FG Funnels,

Automations & Workflows

TekMatix allows for super simple and highly advanced automations and automated workflows, enabling you to put an unlimited number of tasks and operations on autopilot, savig you time and money whilst increasing efficiency and customer experience.

Quickly and easily create automated email sequences, automated project management workflows, cold outreach campaigns, student check-in sequences, leads and sales nurturing & upsell sequences and manage every lead, sale and project in your business on autopilot –  or use the automations we have already built for you.

Examples of some of our pre-built for you automations include: missed call text backs, course welcome sequences, appointment booking and reminders, webinar registration and reminders, project management, frequently asked question bots, list re-activation sequence and more.

Automated complex task flows with conditional logic branches and unlimited task and action steps

Use the ‘Triggers’ feature to create unlimited trigger links that start automations when specific links are clicked

Conduct any task on autopilot and integrate your account with over 7,000 other platforms and softwares with our Zapier listing

Unlimited advanced automations with custom webhooks and APIs inside the automation and workflow builder

Connect your workflow builder to your ChatGPT OpenAI account for advanced automated AI Agent tasks

Task & Project Management

Tekmatix helps you and your team stay organised and on top of your every day tasks and business operations, as well as manage tasks for projects and clients.

Unlimited ‘kanban’ boards for brainstorming, planning, tasks and project management

Add unlimited staff to each board with controlled permissions

Set due dates, recurring/repeating task deadlines, assign staff responsible for individual checklist items and entire projects

Create template task cards with pre-filled checklists and sub-tasks that can also be automated based on client tags

Websites, Pages, Blogs and Funnels

Tekmatix is made for leads and sales.  Whether you are conducting mass campaigns, or creating simple lead to sale auomtations, watch your conversions blow through every record you’ve ever had when you start using Tekmatix.

Create unlimited customer journey pipelines to view and manage your entire customer buying journey and sales processesLeads and sales reporting

Create professional, branded

Proposals and Estimates to send out to leads, even pre-fill content with a click by using custom dynamic fields in your proposal builder.

Conduct cold outreach campaigns by email, SMS and even our AI Sales Calling Team (*this is an add on feature).

You have no contact limits so Tekmatix is friendly for larger operations and mass campaigns

Our prospecting tool allows you to find highly targeted businesses in given areas or indusrtries allowing you to conduct highly targeted sales outreach

*Replaces: Salesforce, ActiveCampaign,

Reviews and Reputation Management

Reputation is everything. Tekmatix allows you to centralise all of your reviews into one place, automatically reply and automatically request reviews.

Connects to your Google My Business reviews page and Facebook reviews page to centralise all of your reviews into one place for easy monitoring

Turn on your AI Asistant to auto-reply to reviews for you

Set up automatic review requests when clients have completed purchases, products or services

Filter the sending of review requests only to clients who responded positively to client satisfaction surveys


Financial Management & Payments:

TekMatix makes it easy to manage your finances with our simple payment gateway and invoicing system. With recurring, one-off, and payment plan invoices, you can streamline your billing process and get paid faster.

Easily create, send and follow up on invoices, including automated actions in workflows related to payments and invoicing Connect directly to your payment gateways including PayPal, Stripe, NMI and more with no processing fees from Tekmatix. We do not touch or hold your money in any way.

Direct integrations with QuickBooks, Xero connects through Stripe and PayPal feeds and our listing on the zapier store integrates over 7,000 other services

Request instant payments with the quick payment request feature

Charge in multiple currencies through your Stripe connection

Charge in one-off billing, subscription plans and payment plansEnable discount coupons, free trial periods and set-up fees on top of standard pricing

Communication, Calls & SMS

Tekmatix enables you to take your communication and sales camapigs to another level with telecomunications.  Note that telecomms charges apply on all of these features that are not controlled by Tekmatix, however our team can assist in getting you set up.

Company Phone Line:

Get dedicated phone lines (landline and mobile) for your business for inbound and outbound calls by your whole team optional add-on feature

2-Way SMS & MMS Marketing:

Including automated messaging and response triggers.

Ai caller assistants for live conversational sales calls – up to 10,000 calls per hour. (This is an optional add-on feature)International numbers, calls and text communication available

Ringless voicemail messaging for non-intrusive communication Whatsapp integration (optional add on)

Reporting & Analytics:

TekMatix’s reporting tools give you insights into all aspects of your business performance. With advanced reporting capabilities, you can track your operational performance, sales, product performance, marketing ROI and much more.

Paid ads reporting

Attribution and lead source reports

Call and appointment reporting

Form and survey analytics

Course and product reporting

Compliance & Advanced Integrations

All business are responsible for their own compliance and legal matters, however Tekmatix has the features available for you to manage your compliance.  Tekmatix itself is GDPR certified and A2P compliant. We services to help you with cookies, notices and more.


A2P compliance functionalities


GDPR compliance functionalities

Legal Acceptance

Privacy and Terms check boxes on opt in forms

Cookie Notices

Integrate cookie and other legal notices


GDPR compliant fonts and funnel page layouts available

Regulatory Body Integration

Option to add on API connections to regulatory software’s to assist in your industry compliance

eg Registered Training Organisation (RTO) software integration to ensure your compliance with ASQA reporting;

HIPPA compliance integrations and more.

Contact out team for custom add-ons and integrations.  We can connect almost any other software for you to assist in your streamlined operations *usually incurs a set-up integration development fee.

Why Choose TekMatix?

TekMatix is the perfect choice for businesses of all sizes that are looking for a comprehensive business management platform. With its wide range of features and add-ons, TekMatix can help you streamline your operations, automate your marketing, and grow your business.

Here are just a few of the benefits of using TekMatix:

You Imagine It, We Have It

When we say that Tekmatix has EVERY feature that you could possibly need to run your entire business, we really do mean it.